Tracy Radogna » Ms. Radogna's High School Art Page

Ms. Radogna's High School Art Page

I have lived in Texas, south of Houston all my life. I love this area and never plan to move away.
I went to back college later in life for a career change. I fell in love with ceramics and pottery in college and that began my journey to being an art teacher. I love sharing my love of art with students and I hope to inspire them to have a love of art also. 
I started teaching in Danbury during the 2018/2019 school year, and I hope to teach here for many more years. 
Classes: 7th & 8th grade art, High School Art 1,2,3 & 4. 
Follow my Instagram to see the artwork my students are making. You can find me at Radogna_Art_Class.
I have attached my grading rubric to this page. This will be the criteria in which I grade all projects. The directions on each project will change, but the overall criteria for grading will not change much throughout the school year.